Allahabad University Launches Unique Lord Krishna-Inspired Management Course

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Allahabad University has introduced an innovative course aimed at teaching students the principles and strategies of effective management. The Commerce Faculty of the university has initiated a five-year integrated BBA-MBA program, incorporating teachings from the Bhagavad Gita, Ramayana, Upanishads, and Chanakya, which are considered mantras for success. This distinctive course also encompasses the practice of Ashtanga Yoga alongside a comprehensive study of managerial decisions made by influential figures in the business world, both in India and globally.

Course Overview: Lord Krishna’s Management Wisdom

This course spans ten semesters, with students earning certificates, diplomas, and degrees at different stages of their education. The curriculum delves into various subjects, such as Indian management philosophy, spirituality in management, cultural values, artificial intelligence, and startup management.

Course Structure

Completing the first year of study grants students a one-year certificate, while the second-year completion earns a diploma. In the third year, students will be awarded a BBA degree, and, finally, an MBA degree will be conferred upon successful completion of the fifth year. The course’s coordinator, Shefali Nandan, emphasizes the importance of instilling Indian management principles in students, incorporating topics like spirituality, cultural values, human ethics, Ashtanga Yoga, holistic life perspectives, meditation, stress management, and other essential subjects to enhance the quality of life. Artificial Intelligence and Startup Management also hold a significant place in this curriculum.

Learn Management Insights from Lord Krishna – A Unique Course for Commerce Students

Understanding the rationale behind including Lord Krishna’s management teachings in this course is essential. Lord Krishna was renowned for his mastery of 16 arts and his adept management skills, which enabled the Pandavas to succeed in their quest for righteousness and truth despite limited resources. By offering this course, students will have access to these valuable insights. Given the present competitive landscape, many students find it challenging to make time to study the Bhagavad Gita. Integrating these teachings into the curriculum ensures students receive in-depth benefits. The course will not only assist students in securing employment but also facilitate personal growth and development in the future.

Lord Krishna’s management principles, as outlined in the Bhagavad Gita, remain relevant today and can lead to success. Familiarizing oneself with these principles is essential for personal and professional growth. Following Lord Krishna’s teachings can help individuals excel in life, become effective leaders, and master the art of management.

Here are some key management principles from Lord Krishna’s teachings:

  1. Focus on your goals, and success will follow.
  2. If you are a team leader, bring your co-workers along with you.
  3. Perform your duties without attachment to the outcomes.
  4. Avoid arrogance in your work.
  5. Continuously update your skills and knowledge.
  6. Avoid actions that empower unrighteous individuals.

Lord Shri Krishna’s teachings in the Bhagavad Gita provide numerous principles that can lead to a successful and fulfilling life, and integrating them into one’s daily routine can help anyone become a proficient management guru.

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